
EDR Christmas Gift Guide 2010

Natale si avvicina e noi cercheremo di aiutarvi nei vostri acquisti con la nostra guida al regalo perfetto, proponendovi tante idee per voi e per chi amate.

Christmas is on its way and we'll help you shop with our guide to the perfect present, giving you many ideas for the ones you love.

1. Cappello ecologico per la pioggia/Ecological waterproof hat Cocoboheme

2. Borsa acqua calda in lana/Hot water bottle Spoon Sister

3. Telefono con cornetta 1950/1950s telephone Sweet Bella

4. Cuffie Plattan/Plattan headphones Urbanears

5. Papillon in ceramica/Ceramic bow tie Corsinelabedoli

6. Lampada Funghetto/Mushroom lamp Smallable

7. Bambola Pudding/Pudding Doll Momiji

8. Snövita Set di 3 scatole regalo in cartone/Snövita gift boxes in cardboard, set of 3 IKEA

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