
TV Show Posters

Una serie di poster dallo stile minimal, opera dell'artista austriaco Albert  Exergian e acquistabili su Blanka. Il mio preferito è quello di MacGyver, ma certo c'è l'imbarazzo della scelta. Il vostro qual è?

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A series of minimalist poster created by Austriac artist Albert  Exergian, which can be purchased on Blanka. My favourite is the MacGyver one, but the choice is huge. Which one do you like the most?

1 commento:

  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tele Vision, everydayrainbow. everydayrainbow said: TV show posters: from Dexter to SATC, from Lost to MacGyver http://www.everydayrainbow.it/?p=2108 [...]


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