
Iphone DIY case


If you are into DIY and technology, what's best than combining the two and creating your own iPhone case? This set merely costs 18$ and cointains all the material to cross stitch your iPhone case, you just need to chose your favourite colour and pattern. Another reason to buy an iPhone!

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Se amate il fai-da-te e la tecnologia, cosa c'è di meglio che unire queste due passioni e creare la propria custodia per iPhone personalizzata? Questo set costa solo 18$ e contiene tutto il materiale per ricamare a punto croce la custiodia, basta scegliere il colore e il disegno preferiti. Un altro motivo per comprare un iPhone!

2 commenti:

  1. Too cute. I think this would be a great project. I need to get me one of those kits.

  2. Jenka - I think it's a lovely project too, but I wouldn't know what to cross stitch!


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