
Silver + crystal rings

1. Black silver + herkimer diamond by Bjørg Jewellery

2. Silver by Simone Vera Bath via Yoox

3. Sterling silver + rock crystal by Elsa Peretti via Tiffany&Co

4. Arty Too silver plated ring by Yves Saint Laurent

5. Sterling silver + Swaroski by ASOS White

6. Silver by Simone Vera Bath via Yoox

Raw silver, uncut stones, smoothed gems that remind us of pebbles: these rings seem to have just been found in a forest under a tree or on the shore, walking along the beach. Natural materials and neutral colours which are perfect to complement any outfit, to add a back-to-the-origins touch or a glamour-rock vibe to your personal style.

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Argento grezzo, pietre naturali e gemme arrotondate che ricordano sassi: questi anelli sembrano essere stati appena trovati sotto un albero in una foresta o sulla riva, durante una camminata sulla spiaggia. Materiali naturali e colori neutrali adatti a completare qualsiasi mise, per aggiungere un tocco primordiale o glam-rock al proprio stile.

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